Web component to create a simple animated menu, useful as app global menu, with a look & feel similar to the material design navigation drawer component.
Tip: Check the dile-menu-hamburger component to implement a app drawer menu in a easier way.
npm i @dile/ui
Import the component.
import '@dile/ui/components/app-drawer/app-drawer.js';
Use the component.
<p><a href="#">Link 1</a></p>
<p><a href="#">Another link</a></p>
<p><a href="#">More information</a></p>
<p><a href="#">Contact us</a></p>
This componen has two properties:
- opened: Set the state of the component between opened and closed. Boolean property.
- direction: Defines de animation and direction to open the menĂº. String property one of "top" or "left". Default is "top".
- noModal: Makes the app drawer always visible (fixed when it is in opened state)
The component also provides a set of useful methods to controls the component state programmatically.
- open(): Opens the menu.
- close(): Closes the menu.
- toggle(): Changes the state, from open to close or close to open.
- dile-app-drawer-closed: Dispatched when the interface closes by any reason.
- dile-app-drawer-click-outside: This custom event is dispatched when the drawer panel is closed because a user click outside the menu layer.
CSS customization
There are some CSS custom properties to customize the style and the animation of this drawer component.
Custom property | Description | Default |
--dile-app-drawer-content-height | Height of the menu | auto (or 100vh on "letf" direction) |
--dile-app-drawer-content-width | Width of the menu | 100vw (or auto on "left" direction) |
--dile-primary-light-color | Background color menu layer | #ddd |
--dile-app-drawer-z-index | z-index menu layer | 99 |
--dile-app-drawer-closed-top | Drawer content top position in closed state | -100vh (or 0 on "left" direction) |
--dile-app-drawer-closed-left | Drawer content left position in closed state | 0 (or -100vw on "left" direction) |
--dile-app-drawer-box-shadow | Menu shadow | 0 1px 8px #000 (or 1px 0 8px #000 on "left" direction) |
--dile-app-drawer-modal-background-color | Menu modal layer background color | rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.7) |
--dile-app-drawer-modal-z-index | Menu modal layer z-index | 98 |
dile-app-drawer demos
Tip: You can use the hamburger menu on this site to see this component in action.
<dile-app-drawer id="menu">
<div class="menu-content">
<h2>Menu <span>(Click outside to close)</span></h2>
<p><a href="#">Link 1</a></p>
<p><a href="#">Another link</a></p>
<p><a href="#">More information</a></p>
<p><a href="#">Contact us</a></p>
<button id="open">Show app drawer</button>
document.getElementById('open').addEventListener('click', () => {