Web Components to create a customizable radio buttons interface.
There are two components in this package:
: allows to create a group of radio buttons. In a group only is possible to select one radio button at same time.dile-radio
: to create each radio button on the group
npm i @dile/ui
Import the components.
import '@dile/ui/components/radio-group/radio.js';
Use the components.
<dile-radio-group name="interested" label="Are you interested in this subject?">
<dile-radio label="Yes" value="yes"></dile-radio>
<dile-radio label="Some interested" value="some"></dile-radio>
<dile-radio label="Not at all" value="not"></dile-radio>
For dile-radio-group component
- disabled: The radio buttons are disabled.
- name: element name
- label: Text label for the group
- value: The selected radio value
For dile-radio component
- selected: Boolean, true if its selected
- label: label for the radio element
- value: value for this radio element
Custom events
dile-radio-group custom events
- element-changed: The
event is dispatched when value on the input changes. In the event detail will emmit the elementname
properties. - dile-radio-group-changed: Is dispatched when the value changes. In the event detail will emmit the element
dile-radio custom events
- dile-radio-selected: New radio button selected. In this event the detail object contains
CSS Custom Properties
Custom property | Description | Default |
--dile-input-label-font-size | Font size for the label | 1em |
--dile-input-label-color | Color for the label text | #59e |
--dile-input-label-font-weight | Label text font weight | normal |
--dile-input-label-margin-bottom | Label marging bottom | 4px |
--dile-radio-disabled-icon-color | Color for the icon when it is disabled | #ccc |
--dile-radio-space-between-label-and-icon | Separation label on radios | 0.4rem |
--dile-radio-icon-size | Radio icon size | 1.2rem |
--dile-radio-icon-color | Radio icon color | #303030 |
--dile-radio-label-font-size | Radio label text size | 1rem |
--dile-radio-label-color | Radio label text color | #303030 |
--dile-radio-selected-icon-color | Radio icon color | --dile-radio-icon-color or #303030 |
--dile-radio-selected-label-color | Radio label selected text color | --dile-radio-label-color or #303030 |
dile-radio-group demos
Default dile-radio-group
<script type="module">
import '@dile/ui/components/radio-group/radio-group.js';
import { LitElement, html, css } from 'lit';
class MyComponent extends LitElement {
render() {
return html`
<dile-radio-group id="group" name="interested" label="Are you interested in this subject?">
<dile-radio label="Yes" value="yes"></dile-radio>
<dile-radio label="Some interested" value="some"></dile-radio>
<dile-radio label="Not at all" value="not"></dile-radio>
<p id="message">Select one value</p>
firstUpdated() {
this.shadowRoot.getElementById('group').addEventListener('dile-radio-group-changed', (e) => {
this.shadowRoot.getElementById('message').innerText = 'Element ' + e.detail.name + ' has value: ' + e.detail.value;
customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent);
Value initialized
<dile-radio-group value="red" name="favorite-color" label="Select your favorite color">
<dile-radio label="Yellow" value="yellow"></dile-radio>
<dile-radio label="Red" value="red"></dile-radio>
<dile-radio label="Green" value="Green"></dile-radio>
Disabled radio buttons
<dile-radio-group name="transport" label="Prefered transport" disabled>
<dile-radio label="Car" value="car"></dile-radio>
<dile-radio label="Bus" value="bus"></dile-radio>
Styled radio buttons
.styled {
--dile-input-label-color: #114611;
--dile-input-label-font-weight: bold;
--dile-radio-icon-color: #20e073;
--dile-radio-selected-icon-color: #0c758c;
--dile-radio-label-font-size: 1.2rem;
--dile-radio-icon-size: 28px;
--dile-radio-label-color: #288ea5;
--dile-radio-selected-label-color: #184a2e;
.styled dile-radio {
margin: 0.4rem 0;
<dile-radio-group name="transport" label="Prefered transport" class="styled">
<dile-radio label="Car" value="car"></dile-radio>
<dile-radio label="Bus" value="bus"></dile-radio>
<dile-radio label="Train" value="train"></dile-radio>