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This is a monorepository managed by npm Workspaces and Lerna.

Package organization

The components catalog are divided into some packages located in the "packages" folder:

How to develop components

To develop web components in this catalog fork this repository.

Then install the dependencies runing:

npm install

Then follow this steps:

1. Create your component

Create your desired Custom Element on the apropiate package. Make a folder for the componente and follow the conventions that you can see in other custom elements.

2. Create a demo

The demos are allocated on the demo folder.

3. Run vite to see the demos

After you have created the demo page, run Vite to start a developing server and see your custom element in action.

npm run dev

4. Write the docs

The component documentation is located in the docs folder and then components folder. In that folder you can find the markdown files for each component documentation.

Create a new file for your element following the conventions.

Then run the document site documentation in your computer starting Eleventy SSG.

npm  run start

5. Create a pull Request on Github

Finally, create a pull Request on Github.