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The dile-ajax component is a tool designed to make asynchronous HTTP connections (Ajax) declaratively, without having to write JavaScript code.

The idea behind this component is to configure a series of attributes to define the parameters of the Ajax connection. Then, the connection is made by invoking a method from the component's API, and the response is received through two possible events: one for successful connections and another for connections that return error codes.


npm i @dile/crud


Import the dile-ajax component.

import '@dile/crud/components/ajax/ajax.js';

Use the component.


To produce the Ajax request, it is necessary to invoke the generateRequest() method of the component.


Once the method is invoked, the response will be received in one of the two custom events emitted by this component.

Note that this is a "non-presentational" component. Therefore, it will not produce any output in the template. It is only used to implement the Ajax functionality.



Custom Events

The component dispatches two custom events to notify the reception of the response in the connections:

The ajax-success and ajax-error custom events are not configured with bubbles: true, so they must be listened to directly on the dile-ajax component tag.

Customize the HTTP request

The dile-ajax component uses Axios under the hood to make the request to the server. The configuration of this library is automatically handled by the component itself.

In the simplest cases, you may not need to customize any extra parameters in the HTTP requests, and thus you may not need to customize the Axios instance used for the HTTP requests. However, in most HTTP applications, it is very likely that you will need to change some details of Axios's behavior.

On the documentation page for the CRUD components, we explain the available mechanisms to configure Axios according to the needs of your project.

Providing validation errors

The component will attempt to provide the client with a complete list of validation errors detected by the server when it receives status codes 400 and 422. By default, for validation errors, the component expects to receive a JSON response like this:

    "message": "The name is incorrect and there are two more validation errors",
    "errors": {
        "name": [
            "The name field is required."
        "slug": [
            "The slug field is required."
        "continent": [
            "The continent field is required."

In this response, there are two properties. First, a message property that provides an overall description of the validation issue. Then, an errors property that contains the details of the validation errors.

For the dile-ajax component, the format of the errors property’s value doesn’t matter. However, for more complex CRUD components to display specific validation errors next to each field that failed validation, the errors property should be an object where each property name corresponds to the field with an error, and each value is an array containing the errors found for that field.

If the REST API we’re working with does not send the message property in the JSON response, the dile-ajax component will send a generic error message.

If the REST API does not send the errors property as expected, we can use the component’s getValidationErrors property to help dile-ajax locate where the errors are.

<dile-ajax .getValidationErrors=${(data) => data.result.validationErrors}></dile-ajax>

As shown, we simply bind a function to the getValidationErrors property, which receives the complete JSON response from the server and returns the path to the validation errors array provided by the API.

dile-ajax demos

Ajax GET request example

Push the button to get countries list...

<script type="module">
    import '@dile/crud/components/ajax/ajax.js';
  <button id="getButton">Get country list</button>  
<p id="message">Push the button to get countries list...</p>
  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    const ajaxelement = document.getElementById('ajaxelement');
    document.getElementById('getButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
    ajaxelement.addEventListener('ajax-error', function(e) {
      console.error('Error Ajax:', e.detail);
    ajaxelement.addEventListener('ajax-success', function(e) {
      console.log('Success Ajax:', e.detail);
      const messageElement = document.getElementById('message');
      const countryNames = e.detail.data.map(country => country.name).join(', ');
      messageElement.textContent = countryNames;

Ajax POST request example

Write a name and push the button to create a new country...

  <input type="text" id="countryName" placeholder="Name"> <button id="postButton">Create country</button>  
<p id="messagecreate">Write a name and push the button to create a new country...</p>
  function createSlug(inputString) {
    let slug = inputString.toLowerCase();
    slug = slug.replace(/[^a-z0-9\s-]/g, ' ');
    slug = slug.replace(/[\s-]+/g, ' ');
    slug = slug.trim();
    slug = slug.replace(/\s+/g, '-');        
    return slug;

  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    const ajaxcreate = document.getElementById('ajaxcreate');
    const messageElement = document.getElementById('messagecreate');
    document.getElementById('postButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
      const countryName = document.getElementById('countryName').value;
      if(countryName == '') {
        messageElement.textContent = 'Please provide a country name';
      const slug = createSlug(countryName);
      ajaxcreate.data = {
        name: countryName,
        continent: 'Europe',
    ajaxcreate.addEventListener('ajax-error', function(e) {
      messageElement.textContent = 'Ajax error, see complete error on the console';
      console.error('Error Ajax:', e.detail);
    ajaxcreate.addEventListener('ajax-success', function(e) {
      console.log('Success Ajax:', e.detail);
      messageElement.textContent = 'Country inserted';