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Axios configuration

A default Axios configuration may be implemented within the library using the AxiosInstanceBuilder class.

import { AxiosInstanceBuilder } from '@dile/crud/lib/AxiosInstanceBuilder';
new AxiosInstanceBuilder();

After that, you can import all the components from the crud library that you need.

import '@dile/crud/components/ajax/ajax.js';
import '@dile/crud/components/ajax-form/ajax-form.js';

How to customize the Axios instance

There are two possible alternatives to customize the Axios instance that the components will use.

ALTERNATIVE 1: Use your own Axios instance

The first alternative is to create your own Axios instance using your JavaScript code.

To generate it, you can refer to the Axios library documentation. We simply require you to place the Axios instance in the browser's window object.

window.axios = myConfiguredAxiosInstance;

This is useful because some frameworks, like Laravel, include an Axios instance by default in the window object of the browser, which is already perfectly configured for tasks like sending csrf tokens via Ajax.

It is also useful if you are familiar with Axios and prefer to create your own instance, fully customized to your needs.

ALTERNATIVE 2: Create a new Axios instance with AxiosInstanceBuilder

For very common use cases, we can assist you in easily creating the Axios instance using a minimal configuration. For this purpose, the package includes the AxiosInstanceBuilder class, that allows a easy configuration.

To use this class, you simply need to import it:

import { AxiosInstanceBuilder } from '@dile/crud/lib/AxiosInstanceBuilder';

Then, we can create the Axios instance by creating an instance of the class:

new AxiosInstanceBuilder();

The Axios instance created this way will be configured in a basic way, simply ensuring that the necessary headers are sent to the server to make XMLHttpRequest requests that expect JSON responses.

headers: {
  'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
  'Accept': 'application/json',

You can also set up a more specific configuration sending a configuration objetc to the constructor of the AxiosInstanceBuilder class.

let configuration = {
  baseURL: 'http://localhost',

new AxiosInstanceBuilder(configuration);

In the above case, the configuration object used to create the Axios instance would look like this:

  headers: {
    'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
    'Accept': 'application/json',
  baseURL: 'http://localhost',

Available configuration props

The configuration object used to create the Axios instance could have the following properties:

Example Configuration for an API with Bearer Token Authentication

For a REST API that uses Bearer token authentication, you could create the Axios instance like this:

new AxiosInstanceBuilder({
  headerAuthorization: `Bearer ${this.token}`,
  baseURL: 'https://timer.escuelait.com'

Configuration example for a Website

If you're using these components in a more traditional website or with an API that uses cookies for authentication:

new AxiosInstanceBuilder({
  withCredentials: true,
  withXSRFToken: true,
  baseURL: 'https://example.com'