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Response Adapter Object

The responseAdapter object is used across various components in the CRUD library. This object helps adapt to the specific characteristics of the API responses you are working with.

It provides of several methods to return the specific data that the component needs, conveniently formatted for use with this CRUD library.

Default responseAdapter Object

All components in the CRUD library use a default responseAdapter object that provides configurations for a typical REST API.

The behavior of this object is very straightforward. It simply has a method for storing the response and various methods that allow access to specific parts of that response. You can view the code in the ResponseApiAdapter class on GitHub.

Creating Custom responseAdapter Objects

When the API responses don't match the conventions expected by the default responseAdapter, it's possible to create custom responseAdapter objects.

To do this, simply extend the ResponseApiAdapter class, creating a new class with the methods you need to redefine.

Here is a simple example of customization by creating a new class:

import { ResponseApiAdapter } from '@dile/crud/lib/ResponseApiAdapter';

class BoardGameResponseApiAdapter extends ResponseApiAdapter {
  getElementList() {
    return this.response.data.result.data;

How to Adapt Responses in Methods of Derived Classes

When creating custom responseAdapter objects by extending the ResponseApiAdapter class, you may need to adapt the responses to match the expected format of your application. This is done by overriding the methods in your derived class to process the API responses as needed.

Here are the methods you can adapt in your custom responseAdapter class:

By overriding these methods, you can ensure that the custom responseAdapter works seamlessly with your specific API's structure and data formats.

Validation Errors Array format

The format of the validation errors returned by the getValidationErrors() method should be an object similar to the following example:

  "name": [
    "The name field is required."
  "slug": [
    "The slug field is required."
  "continent": [
    "The continent field is required."

The names of the properties must match the name attribute of the form fields corresponding to the error. The errors are specified in an array of strings.

This validation error format is used by popular validation systems, such as the one implemented in the Laravel framework.

Pagination Data format

The pagination data that needs to be provided to the component by the getPaginationData() method should follow the format shown in the following object:

  "countItems": 118,
  "result": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "next_page_url": "https://example.com/api/users?per_page=25&page=2",
    "prev_page_url": null

Using the Custom responseAdapter

To use the custom responseAdapter, you need to instantiate an object of the class you just created and provide it to the component. This can be done in two different ways depending on the component.

Using the Custom responseAdapter in Simple Components

For core components, like dile-ajax-form or atomic operations like dile-crud-insert, you can pass the custom response adapter through a component property.

First, you need to create an instance of this object, for example, in the constructor of the component where you want to use the CRUD components:

this.customizedResponseAdapter = new BoardGameResponseApiAdapter();

Then, pass the object as a property:


Using the Custom responseAdapter in advanced Components

For more complex components like dile-crud, dile-crud-list, or dile-crud-single, you need to pass the instance of the custom object in the responseAdapter property of the configuration object.

import { CrudConfigBuilder } from '@dile/crud/lib/CrudConfigBuilder';
import { ResponseApiAdapter } from '@dile/crud/lib/ResponseApiAdapter';

class BoardGameResponseApiAdapter extends ResponseApiAdapter {
  getElementList() {
    return this.response.data.result.data;

export const boardGameConfig = new CrudConfigBuilder('https://timer.escuelait.com/api/board-games', {
  responseAdapter: new BoardGameResponseApiAdapter(),