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How to use dile-components

Here you can find some information about using this component catalog on your own site. Since this catalog is developed as standard web components, you can use it in any JavaScript project, whether you're using Vanilla JS or any framework.

On every single component documentation, you will find specific instructions on how to use it. The above steps will provide you with general information related to our packages' organization and usage.

Package organization

Dile components is managed under several packages of components, agruped by its utility.

1.- Install any of the web components

You need to install the package that contains the component you need. For example if you want to use dile-input you should install @dile/ui via npm:

npm install @dile/ui

Each component documentation has the specific installation instruccions.

2.- Import the component

You can do that with an ESModules import in your Javascript code, usually using the npm package name.

import '@dile/ui/components/dile-input/dile-input.js';

In order process imports with the package name in the browser you will need to use a frontend tool like Vite, Webpack or Rollup.

3.- Use the component

This is a simple example of using a web component in your HTML.


4.- Read the docs

In the component documentation of each component you will find more information about component properties, CSS custom properties, API methods and custom events.

5.- Serve your proyect

There are many development servers to help you in this point. Our recomendation is to use ViteJS or Web Dev Server.

6.- Build your Project

To build your project is necesary to use Webpack, Rollup or similar. At this moment, the best and easiest option is to use ViteJS.