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The dile-ajax-form component is designed to create a form that can be automatically submitted via Ajax to the server, without the need to program the HTTP connections.

For its operation, dile-ajax-form simply needs to be configured with the appropriate attributes and define the form body in the component's slot.


npm i @dile/crud


Import the dile-ajax-form component.

import '@dile/crud/components/ajax-form/ajax-form.js';

Use the component.

  <demo-country-form id="form"></demo-country-form>

dile-ajax-form Requirements

For dile-ajax-form to work correctly, the form component provided in the slot needs to have some basic functionalities:

All these functionalities are achieved by applying a mixin to the form found in the @dile/ui package called DileForm.

You can read the documentation of the DileForm mixin for more information.



Custom Events

The component is based on dile-ajax, so you can also listen for the custom events documented in that component.

CSS Custom Properties

You can customize the form using these CSS Custom Properties.

Custom property Description Default
--dile-ajax-form-actions-margin-top Margin top on the action button 1rem
--dile-form-actions-gap Gap between action buttons 1.2rem
--dile-form-actions-justify-content Flex justify content for action buttons flex-start
--dile-ajax-form-cancel-button-background-color Cancel button background color style transparent
--dile-ajax-form-cancel-button-text-color Cancel button text color style #303030
--dile-ajax-form-cancel-button-border-color Cancel button border color style transparent
--dile-ajax-form-cancel-button-hover-background-color Cancel button hover background color style transparent
--dile-ajax-form-cancel-button-hover-text-color Cancel button hover text color style #303030
--dile-ajax-form-cancel-button-hover-border-color Cancel button hover border color style #303030
--action-icon-color Color of submit icon button when actionIcon property is defined --dile-primary-color or #674cdc
--cancel-icon-color Color of cancel icon button when cancelIcon property is defined #d74c3c
--inline-gap Gap between form and action button when form is inline 1rem

Attributes for Styling


The dile-form-ajax component is designed to adapt to different types of APIs and websites. It can define various types of requests and handle different types of responses.

Customize the HTTP request

The dile-ajax-form component uses dile-ajax under the hood to make the request to the server. In turn, dile-ajax uses Axios as the library for HTTP connections.

If you need to customize how dile-ajax-form uses Axios to make Ajax connections to the server, please refer to the documentation for dile-ajax.

Response Configuration

The dile-ajax-form component sends and receives data via HTTP requests to a REST API. To extract the necessary data in each case, the API uses a default behavior that works with typical REST APIs.

To customize the component's behavior, allowing it to adapt to any type of API response, you can pass a custom adapter using the responseAdapter property.

  <resource-form id="form"></resource-form>

You can find more information on how to create custom adapters on the Response Adapter page.

Form Cleanup After Insert Operations

By default, forms are automatically cleared after a successful insert operation. This behavior ensures a clean state for subsequent insertions and avoids unintentional re-submissions of the same data.

Preventing Automatic Cleanup

If you wish to retain the form's data after an insert operation, you can use the disableClearAfterInsert property. Setting this property to true prevents the automatic cleanup and keeps the form's current values intact.

Implementing Custom Cleanup

For scenarios requiring a tailored cleanup process, you can override the clearData() method in the form provided via the slot to the dile-ajax-form component. This method is responsible for clearing the form's fields and is invoked automatically when cleanup is required.

The clearData() method is inherited by the form when it applies the DileForm mixin. The default implementation performs a generic cleanup of the form fields. However, you can override it in your custom forms to implement specific behaviors as needed.

Example: Overriding clearData()

import { LitElement } from 'lit';
import { DileForm } from '@dile/ui/mixins/form';

class CustomForm extends DileForm(LitElement) {
  clearData() {
    this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#specificField').value = '';

customElements.define('custom-form', CustomForm);

This flexibility allows you to adapt the cleanup behavior to match your application's requirements.

dile-ajax demos

Form Component used on dile-ajax-form

Before we start looking at the demos of dile-ajax-form, let's include an example of a form that uses the DileForm mixin. This mixin provides all the necessary functionality for easy integration with dile-ajax-form.

<script type="module">
import { LitElement, html, css } from 'lit';
import '@dile/ui/components/input/input.js';
import '@dile/ui/components/select/select.js';
import { DileForm } from '@dile/ui/mixins/form'

export class DemoCountryForm extends DileForm(LitElement) {
  static styles = [
      :host {
        display: block;

  render() {
    return html`
      <dile-input label="Country name" name="name" id="name" hideErrorOnInput></dile-input>
      <dile-input label="Slug" name="slug" id="slug" hideErrorOnInput></dile-input>
      <dile-select name="continent" id="continent" label="Continent" hideErrorOnInput>
        <select slot="select">
          <option value="">Select...</option>
          <option value="Europe">Europa</option>
          <option value="South America">América del Sur</option>
          <option value="North America">Norte América</option>
          <option value="Asia">Asia</option>
          <option value="Africa">Africa</option>
          <option value="Oceania">Oceania</option>
customElements.define('demo-country-form', DemoCountryForm);

Insert Ajax demo

<script type="module">
    import '@dile/crud/components/ajax-form/ajax-form.js';
  <demo-country-form id="form"></demo-country-form>

Update form example

  <demo-country-form id="form"></demo-country-form>